Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More from my Nature class, lessons 3 and 4

So, I wanted to share some more of my assignments from my Photographing Nature class. I started off with sharing assignments 1 and 2. (Each assignment is to get you three best photographs of a specific subject) I wanted to share assignments 3 and 4 as well.

Okay, assignment three was to get three landscapes that tell a story or show feeling. I must say, this one was difficult. Photographing a landscape is easy, but to get it so that it shows interest was hard. It took me about 50+ shots to get these three! Here were my picks for this.

A quiet trail through the woods. The trail, where does it lead? 

 Peaking through some small trees to catch a glimpse of the small, yet fast waterfall.

A relaxing pond shaded by a willow tree. A nice place for the birds to hang out.

This was not one I selected to turn in, But I like it, so I will share this as a bonus landscape!

And my most recent assignment, number four, this was way easier for me. This one was to get two flowers and one tree. The catch was to try a different perspective. An example the instructor gave was how would an ant see a flower? I like to try different angles all the time. I think it just adds more fun to the art of photography. (not that I don't find it fun anyway!!!) So, here are my two flowers and my tree!

 A beautiful bush of bright orange flowers. I went to the side of a branch (instead of from the front) and shot a profile of the end of this branch.

 I found this along the same hike I found the orange bush above. I was thrilled to have found this lady slipper, as they are rare! This wasn't alone either, there were a whole bunch in this spot! Without hurting any, I got behind this one to get this amazing photo.

This is actually a blue spruce we planted in our yard. It is only about two feet tall. So it was easy to get this bird's eye view by simply standing directly over it.

Okay, I have assignment five, which is water. I will be out this weekend to get some photos for that, and assignment six which I will get in class Friday!

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