Monday, June 4, 2012

Lesson 5: water

I have my two assignments from last week. Assignment 5 was to photograph three bodies of water. They need to capture interest, like the landscape assignment. Anyone can photograph water or a landscape, but the challenge lies in having show meaning, therefore, keeping the interest of the viewer. Assignment 6 is to experiment with zoom or a telephoto lens. This one would be actually 6 photos. The instructor asked to take one shot at say 50mm, then zoom out to the max (for my telephoto lens, that would be 300mm) to capture the same spot, then compare the difference.
So, my class assignments have been difficult to get done this weekend. Not because I find them a challenge, But, because it has been raining since Friday night! And it is suppose to keep raining until Thursday! Rain makes it tough to get outside with my camera, especially since my camera is not water proof! I hate to put things off, and I would really like to get these both done by Wednesday, which is my next class. (Classes are every Wednesday and Friday.)
Anyway, I still ventured out this weekend with the kids. We just drove around near the beach and I just shot from inside the car. Even though I know I could have done better in nicer weather, I got all three of my photos for water. One of the greatest thing about nature, is she is ever changing. I believe that to be a good nature photographer, you have to embrace nature in all her aspects!

So, Here are my water photos, rain and all!

This was taking while driving to the beach. We have a lot of marsh land near the NH seacoast. I had to grab this shot when we saw a whole flock of egrets waiting out the storm.

This was taking just around the corner from the egrets. Here is a small harbor on the southern NH seacoast. We were hanging out watching the boats, when this gull decide to brave flying in the rain. So, that makes photo #2!

We continued driving the seacoast until we crossed over into MA. There is were route 1A (road the follows the coast) goes inland to meet up with route 1. That is due to having to cross the Merrimac river. So here we are, stopped at a boat launch on the shore of the Merrimac. I braved driving out over the water (on ramp) to get a close-up of water. I like this shot because it has a lot of elements. You see the rocks, the edge of the retaining wall, sea-grass, and yes, the rain!

I do have one photo done for assignment 6 so far that was done at this same spot. But, I will post all of them together later!

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