Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 17: Technology

Week 17: Technology
A look at what most technology looks like on the inside! This one particular circuit board has been sitting around the house for a while (belongs to an old computer), so it is a bit dusty. But, I really didn't feel like taking something apart to photograph a clean board!

 Next week: Long Exposure

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 16: Animal

Oh, I have so many animal pictures I have done that I love. My biggest thing about this weekly challenge, though, is to photograph the week's theme during that given week. However, I still want to share some previous animal photos that I have done! First, I will share my photographs from this week specifically for this challenge.

Now some past animal pictures by me!

This follow kitty is my baby, so there are a few of him!!!

And some wildlife that stroll through my backyard on occasion!

Next week: Technology

Easter Pictures

I recently had the chance to photograph this lovely 4-year-old girl in her Easter dress. She was a bit on the shy side, but seemed pretty comfortable in front of the camera. We did some outside in the noonday sun. She was very cute, but having the sun high cast so big shadows. I looked at the pictures after the fact, and know somethings I could have done differently for posing in the noonday sun! Well, I will get them soon, as I will be seeing this lovely lady for some birthday pictures.
So, I will now share the outside shots that were my favorite.

And, some taking back inside:

I had a great time with her, and can't wait to see her agian for her birthday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 15: Hands

 I know this is just one hand, but it was a cute shot. My kids got a sandbox for the holiday, and it has been the favorite outdoor activity since! This is my middle boy making pancakes!

Here is another shot from the same time:

Next week, Animal. See you then!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Looking into taking a class.

I love to learn and grow as a photographer. I belong to photographer forums, and do a lot of self teaching. But, sometimes it is nice to get outside my little box. So, with some support from my sister, and fellow aspiring photographer, I am going to get into a class at UNH's professional development department. My sister and I plan to do it together. It always is nice to have personal support in ventures like this. I am very excited to continue learning and bettering my skills as a photographer.
Well, classes start soon, so wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 14: Sunflare

This week was neat. I took a few pictures that included sun flare, then I started playing around with the sun flare. That brought me to my final sun flare picture that I thought was really neat. It even my my husband laugh! So I will start with the basics working up to my final pick! Enjoy!

Here comes the ones I really fooled around with!

 And the final pick!! Next week is hands.