About Me

I have always had a passion for photography. Let me share with you a bit about that part of my life. I got my first camera when I was about five. I loved taking pictures from that day on. I am pretty sure I drove my parents batty asking for film and batteries for it!

I really got into the artistic side of photography in college. I took a class in photography and purchased my first SLR 35mm film camera. While in that class, I learned basics of how to use my camera and develop film. I even spent a year working for a photography company that did school portraits and school sporting events.I did wander away from photography once I graduated and went to work full-time.

Several years later I am now home with my lovely children. I have had more time to get back into photography. I have invested in new digital equipment,
and am eager to learn all I can to broaden my photography skills. I continue to grow as a photographer by taking classes, using online tutorials, self teaching through practice and experiments, and using volunteers for hands on experience.

I started this blog to share my journey on this path, and to share my photography to others.
Who knows, maybe someday I will be a pro!!!